Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #6

Day 6, and we have full bloomage!  It has been incredibly fun chronicling the unfolding of these flowers... I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to obsess... ahem, be passionate about next.  I did get to spend a half hour yesterday photographing the local fowl at the lake, which proved a fun diversion, but for some reason, it just doesn't beat the excitement of watching a plant bloom day after day.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #5

It is fascinating what 12 hours will do in the life of a plant.  

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #4

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #3

Just a few more days, I think.

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #2

Day 2 of the unfolding.

Daffodil Blossom Photo Series #1

Daffodil Blossom Series #1

So the winter this year in Kentucky has been extremely mild.  So mild, in fact, that daffodils are blooming all over the place.  Imagine my delight to find that our new house has a plethora of daffodils scattered throughout the landscape - just something else to... ummm... be passionate over.  There is one daffodil plant that I see every morning as I go to my car and I've enjoyed watching the progress as it has grown and started to bloom, so I decided to grab my camera and chronicle its unfolding.  I hope you enjoy these half as much as I've enjoyed doing it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Obsessive? Me?

So I was accused, by my mentor no less, of being obsessive.  Now, I will admit that I have an ability to focus on things to a degree which might be considered "obsessive" by some.  But I prefer to think of it more as being a bit "passionate."  Admittedly, my passions do tend to be very comprehensive in scope, engulfing most conscious thoughts in their wake and leaving room for only the bare minimum of space for everything else that I must fit into a day.  Not that I'm neglectful.  I mean, mostly, I'm not. Okay, well, maybe on occasion, but that is certainly not the norm.

I may have mentioned before (or if I did not, I most certainly meant to) that the more I get shoved into my left brain through school and research, the more my right brain starts pushing back and I find myself not only wanting, but actually requiring some sort of creative outlet.  It isn't optional.  Over the holidays I gifted myself something I've been wanting since the death of my 35mm film camera... the Canon Rebel T2i digital camera.   Couple that with this burning need for creative outlet, a few good macro lenses, and an intense love of itty bitty things and you have a woman who can think of almost nothing except what might make a good subject.

Ok, well, not exactly nothing.  Because that definitely would make me obsessive.  But close to. Nuts, bolts, rocks, flowers, moss, weeds... nothing is sacrosanct. I've discovered the love of a Flickr account.  I discovered the awesomeness of 500px.com and the profound thrill of having a photo added to someone's favorites (yeah, I know, it doesn't take much).  I scour the internet for amazing macro photography, camera tips, and have a lens wish list (if anyone should desire to mail me a camera lens I am happy to send you aforementioned list).

It is an odd thing, thinking through the lens of a camera.  Suddenly life is seen in a series of vignettes and photo ops and even the most mundane things, like a sink faucet or a plant specimen mired in silica gel, become photographic possibilities.  I've been bitten by the shutterbug before, but never in so intense a fashion.  Perhaps some may call me obsessive, but at least I have lots of pretty things on my walls.