Saturday, September 10, 2011


Having a child with OCD is sort of like being stuck in some Divine Comedy.  For the past month Kellen has been on this obsession that he needs glasses.  You have never seen a child so disappointed to be told that he has 20/15 eyesight (well, I did have to explain what that meant) after his physical.  A fairly harmless and rather typical child obsession, if I do say so myself.  So Aunt Brandy to the rescue!  I called my sister up, who works for an optometrist and asked her if she had any free kids sample frames floating around with plastic lenses that she could send so that Kellen can feed his inner nerd child.  Real glasses are now in the mail, and soon I won't need to hear the glasses lament incessantly.

But there is another little OCD I've not figured out how to solve quite as creatively.  For the past month, he has had a mysterious bad ankle that crops up every night at bedtime.  His ankle has to be wrapped in an ace bandage (or, lately, a scarf as said bandage has disappeared) or he cannot sleep.  Last week he told me he just wants a fake leg.  He doesn't want his anymore, he really wants a fake one.  I've told him that he's very blessed to have two good legs, so that he can run and bowl and do all the things he loves to do.  But for some reason this is not satisfactory logic in his mind and nightly he laments his lack of a prosthetic leg.  I'm a bit stumped for a solution.

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