Friday, April 27, 2012

On the Hunt for Balance

In an effort to stave off a serious chemical imbalance caused by chronic stress, I've decided that today, at least for a while, I am going to set aside all of the things that I have to do (like the studying, the housework, the grocery shopping, the hygiene... well, ok, maybe not that), run away with my camera, and simply feed my soul for a bit. While I would be lying if I said that I am soul-food starved (if any of you have been following my pictures, you will know that that would be a lie), I feel the niggling of a Great Depression in the deep recesses of my brain (and even a little in my toes) - a response to events accumulated over months. The random tears here and there for no apparent reason, along with this melancholy heaviness sitting on my shoulders, tell me that it is time to take a deep breath (or three) and let go of it all, reset, and force myself back into balance.

So in the spirit of the hunt for the Unbearable Lightness of Being (thank you, Milan Kundera), and a little bit of balance, I'll start here.

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