Saturday, October 1, 2011


Ever beautiful.

Not in the way that I ever thought I would be - not sandwiched between my mom and my daughter for a day of shopping, or for a baby shower, or any of the number of things that I was fortunate enough to do with my mother and her mother, or that she was fortunate enough to do with her mother and grandmother. 

Love notes to Mom, 1988

But I keep her in so many other ways.   I am blessed that I was given an acute sense of mortality at a very young age because I keep finding her everywhere I turn.  Much like when I left on my exchange to Venezuela for a year and hid small notes all over the house for her to find as a reminder of my love for her while I was gone (seriously, I thought it was a good idea - it never dawned on me that instead of making her smile, it would make her cry every time she found one), as I pack up my house and get ready to move into our new home, I am surrounded by little reminders that she is with me always in spirit. And now I understand exactly how she felt as she came across one of my little love notes randomly. 

Autograph album, 1979 Mom and my Mamaw.

    I am her keeper and it feels right.

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